Why Float ?

Relieve Chronic Pain

The dense epsom salt solution eliminates the body’s gravity, giving you the experience of weightlessness. Your muscular, skeletal, and circulatory systems rest in the zero-gravity environment, allowing your spine to realign and decompress, your muscles to relax, and your circulatory system to function more efficiently.  Floating has been proven to reduce pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, tendinitis, bursitis, and overall inflammation.

Calm Your Mind

The floating environment eliminates as much external stimulation as possible, allowing your nervous system to take a break. You’re constantly being over-stimulated, so your system rarely experiences the calm that floating provides. Floating has been proven to induce states of extreme relaxation with lasting effects. A study of 65 men and women found that the participants who used a float tank saw a significant reduction in stress, depression, and anxiety over the control group. The float tank users also reported increased energy, better sleep, as well as an overall feeling of optimism.

Recovery / Sports Performance

Floating maximizes the benefits of fitness training, exercise, and workouts. Although exercise stimulates muscle growth, the growth occurs during relaxation 30-40 minutes after exercise. The deep relaxation of floating improves blood circulation, promotes the elimination of lactic acid, and accelerates the growth and regeneration of muscle tissue. Many professional athletes and athletic clubs are using float therapy for recovery and a competitive edge.

Sleep Better

Sleep is vitally important for health, but Americans are getting less sleep and less quality sleep than ever before. There are mechanisms in our brains that affect the duration and depth of sleep during a 24 hour circadian rhythm. Sleep loss or chronic sleep disruption of the circadian rhythm can affect stress levels, metabolism, immune function, and a number of physiological processes. Much like sleeping, while you float there is a sensory disconnection with minimal external stimuli. In this intensely relaxed state, the brain mimics various stages of sleep, while helping restore the effects of sleep deprivation.

Deeper Meditation

A Harvard affiliated research team at Massachusetts General Hospital determined that after only a few weeks of practice, meditation correlated with decreased gray-matter in the amygdala, which is known to play an important role in anxiety and stress. The study also found increased gray-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for memory and learning, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion, and introspection. Float tanks are the fast track to a deep meditative state. Without the influence of gravity, sound, or light, you will quickly achieve a state where the brain induces theta state brain waves while still awake. A technique monks spend years trying to perfect. 


In a float tank your mind is free to explore thoughts and ideas without any external distraction. A handful of studies have found that people who float experience an increase in original thought, imagination, and intuition. Comedian Joe Rogan ( shout out ) says, “ The sensory deprivation chamber is the most important tool I’ve ever used for developing my mind, for thinking, for evolving.”. Say no more. 
Floatation therapy was created by Neurophysicist Dr. John C. Lilly over 60 years ago while doing research on brain waves and altered states of consciousness. The therapy involves lying in a specifically designed floatation tank that is filled with over 200 gallons of water warmed to your skin temperature at a depth of 10 inches. Dissolved in the water is 1000 pounds of pharmaceutical-grade Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). This extremely dense solution, like the Dead Sea, enables people of all body types to float effortlessly and escape the pull of gravity. 
The float tank is designed to eliminate all outside distractions, so you feel like you're floating in space losing track of where your body ends and the water begins. Once you are settled in the tank, it is virtually impossible to distinguish between parts of the body that are in contact with the water, and those that aren’t, in effect tricking the brain into believing that you are floating freely in mid-air.
The reduced stimulation encountered in the float pod refocuses the individual’s attention to internal stimuli. At first this includes the novel sensations of floating effortlessly in darkness and quiet but slowly both mind and body are led towards a deep state of relaxation. This relaxation is augmented by the full body absorption of magnesium from the water that elicits the release of muscle tension. As physical sensations become less noticeable, thoughts can become more noticeable. Eventually even the parade of thoughts subsides and the mind enters a meditative state. 
Floatation therapy has been academically studied in the USA and in Sweden with published results showing reduction of both pain and stress. At the moment there have been 80+ studies done on the benefits of floating. It is recommended to float three to five times to initially understand the process of floatation and begin to reap its long-term advantages. The benefits are cumulative, which explains why floatation devotees incorporate floating as part of their rest and recovery routines.


Is there anything I can do to prepare?

Don’t drink caffeine for several hours before a session. Don’t shave or wax right before since the salt water can irritate your skin. Eating a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes ahead of time stops your stomach from potentially making noise while you float. 

What if I’m claustrophobic?

You have the whole float suite to yourself, and you can get in or out at any time. You’re always in control of your environment, and people with extreme claustrophobia have reported having no problems with their time floating. Being in the Float Spa tank is more like floating in outer space than being shut in a box. With our float tanks, you can even leave the lid open, so you never feel shut in.

How do you clean the tanks?

Hygiene is our first priority, and that's why Floasis invested in the Float Spa Float Tank. The Float Spa tanks are the most advanced in the world. They drain entirely between visits, and the tanks are hosed down and wiped clean between each visit. The tanks fill with a fresh solution for every appointment. The solution passes through two advanced 1 micron absolute filters and a super-efficient UV sterilizing process. The solution is also auto-dosed if the levels of anti-bacterial agents, such as H2O2, are below the set safe level. All of that translates to a pristine float experience.

Do I need to bring anything?

You may want to bring a case to put your contact lenses into while you’re floating. Other than that, we provide everything you need (towels, robes, earplugs, body wash/shampoo…) Since each room is fully private and you can lock the door, you go into the tank nude, there is no need to bring a bathing suit.

Can I float if I just dyed my hair?

Salt may fade color, so it’s best to wait a few days after color to float. Fashion colors are more prone to bleed and could damage our tanks. When your shower water is clear, you’re good to float.

Can more than one person float at a time?

The Float Spa float tanks are private, single use. We have 4 private float rooms, so couples and parties can start their floats at the same time while having a true sensory reduction experience.

Can I float during my period?

Yes. Same prep as a public pool.

Could I drown if I fall asleep?

The float tanks are filled with an epsom salt solution 12 times more buoyant than The Dead Sea. Your head always stays supported in the solution even if you fall asleep. You definitely won’t drown, but you’ll feel like you’ve gone to Heaven.

Can I float if I’m pregnant?

Yes, pregnant women may use float tanks. Floating while pregnant allows you to escape the added weight of pregnancy by taking the strain off the body and spine (and feet!). It promotes excellent sleep, a lovely sense of well being, and can help with all the aches and pains normally associated with pregnancy. For many mothers, the environment creates a heightened sensitivity and connection with the baby, and some have reported a profound experience of “mirroring” from floating in a quiet, warm and secure environment while their baby does the same. Awww.